Organize a Meal
We need nine brave and culinarily confident souls to organize our meals! In addition, we need another nine brave and culinarily confident souls to act as Co-Captains in case a Captain is unable to oversee their meal. Co-Captains need to know everything necessary to pull off the meal without the Captain.
As a Captain, you’ll need to delegate cooking responsibilities based on each person’s culinary abilities. For instance, not everyone is capable of handling a large griddle and some people are not very handy with a knife. Remember…if you have questions or problems, the Kitchen Committee is here to help!
Before signing up as a Captain or Co-Captain, you should read through the meal planning requirements and tips on the What Do I Need to Know page. Once the meals are finalized, we will open them up for volunteers to sign up. You’ll be put in touch with other members of your team for planning purposes. Some group members have dietary restrictions and/or preferences, such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc. We'll poll everyone and let you know what accommodations you'll need to make before you finalize your meal plan. Thanks!
Sign up to organize a meal here.